Maia Evrona

Poet; Memoirist; Translator

"A sense grew in me that year that my body was losing its substance, as if I were a pillow with a rip in it, and all my feathers were slowly drifting out..."

From "The Foghorn Cough"

Harpur Palate; Winter/Spring 2013

Photograph of a shadow in Vilna

Photograph of a shadow in Vilna

For a number of years, I have been writing a memoir, entitled The Doorway, on growing up with a serious illness. Rather than viewing illness through the lens of loss, my memoir treats illness as a valid, albeit extraordinarily difficult, experience unto itself. It also explores the unique ways in which illness is experienced when one has grown up sick, rather than when one has become so in adulthood. Many of my poems are written from this same perspective and can be read here. My backround as someone who grew up with a disability is also reflected in my works as an essayist, which are listed here. 


Excerpts from The Doorway have been published in the following venues:

-”Night Blossoms,”

Read here:

-“Still Light Out,”

Read here:


Forthcoming in Our Children: Stories by Parents with Disabilities, Oleb Books

-"The Big Black Sky," 

Killing the Angel; Issue Five

Read here:


New Plains Review; Spring 2014

-"The Foghorn Cough"

Harpur Palate; Winter/Spring 2013

Read it here:

-"A Memoir of a Symptom"

Blood and Thunder; Musings on the Art of Medicine 2012-2013

Read online here:


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Copyright: Maia Evrona, 2013. All rights reserved.