Maia Evrona

Poet; Memoirist; Translator

New publications in Poetry Northwest, Europe Now and the North American Review, upcoming event in Auckland, radio/podcast interview...

On the 16th of June, I will be giving a reading of my translations at 5:30 pm at the Raye Freedman Library in Auckland, NZ.

In advance of this reading, I was interviewed on Auckland’s local Jewish radio program Radio Shalom. We spoke about Sutzkever and his reception in Israel, about the translation process, and about the process of writing poetry itself. You can listen here:

A piece I wrote on the letters of Paul Celan and Nelly Sachs was recently published by Poetry Northwest:

Five of my poems were just featured in the the June issue of Europe Now:

Another poem was also published not long ago in the spring issue of North American Review, which can be purchased here:

Meanwhile, new Sutzkever translations are due out soon in Pakn Treger and The Arkansas International.

Copyright: Maia Evrona, 2013. All rights reserved.